Martin Schreiber 21 July 2024

Back from the GHI Conference: the future of aviation will be technology-driven

The aviation industry trends and challenges


We are back from the GHI, the highly awaited event that once again brought together the aviation industry family. It has been a real pleasure to reconnect with our customers in an in-person setting.

Conversations with our customers confirm the current challenges and the need to improve technology for the future of aviation. Covid has really caused changes in the industry, and we’ve seen many of the companies that attended the conference try to pivot their business quickly and take advantage of new opportunities to make it through the period.

Many airlines pivoted towards cargo handling as that sector of the industry saw an uptick in business due to the pandemic, and similarly many handlers took the time to improve their business, become leaner more effective businesses to make it out of the pandemic.

Digital transformation comes into play here as many of the companies are now seeing technology as something which will help them become more efficient, stand out from the competition, and improve their overall operations.

They confirmed our understanding that there are many technological gaps in ground operations, both at the airline and ground handlers' level that are:

  • A lack of real time visibility and transparency of ground operations that do not allow efficient orchestration and agile response to irregular operations,
  • A complete nightmare to match the actual provided services with the billing both for airlines and ground handlers,
  • A loss of revenue because unrecorded or erroneous data does not allow for accurate billing the lack of technology makes compliance is outdated when it should be done preventively,
  • A lack of reliable operational data and dashboard that hinder the ability to improve turnaround time and other KPIs.



Using technology to improve ground handling operations management with Wiseleap Cloud Platform


The technological and outsourcing situation leads to the fact that technology is a necessity to progress. That's the reason why we developed the Wiseleap platform - to allow these companies to succeed in their digital transformation in order to address these challenges to improve efficiency.

Wiseleap is a platform that allows you to centralize all your activities such as ground handling, deicing, training and holdover time calculation.

The fully cloud-based Wiseleap platform is accessible anytime and anywhere. It doesn't matter if users are spread all over the world, all they need to access the data is an internet connection, a laptop, smartphone, or tablet.

Powered by Emyode, Wiseleap benefits from over 15 years of experience in Microsoft software development. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, Wiseleap integrates the latest technological innovations to automate and streamline ground handling operations management.

What to expect from the Wiseleap Cloud Platform:

  • Improve practices and decrease aircraft turnaround times
  • Make comparisons from one station to another to know how to improve
  • Continuous improvement of operations through an increase of agility thanks to rigorous analytics and report
  • Being able to react quickly thanks to real time data, orchestration, and communications tools.
  • Always remain ready for audits


To save time and money, Wiseleap provides a range of features that provide full transparency of your activities and data such as:

  • Data capture
  • Orchestration
  • Analytics and reports
  • Dashboards
  • Communication between all the stakeholders 


How Wiseleap supports airlines and ground handlers throughout their digitization journey

We have noticed that the aviation industry leaders have already embarked on their digitization journey, but for many, it is not yet efficient, and for some others, not yet done.

To help companies that have started their digitalization journey but need to improve their system, Wiseleap provides application modernization and Azure cloud migration to make it grow as their needs change.

Based on Emyode's experience, a key to succeed in such transformation is executive sponsorship of workshops to collectively assess needs, technological gaps and define the right path forward for each customer.
We look forward to continuing our talks and helping you with the implementation of your digital transformation project.

For a digital transformation to be successful, it is essential that there is a sponsorship. We work together in a collaborative session to create a roadmap and define your project according to your needs.

Ready to go digital? 


We would like to thank all the participants with whom we had the chance to meet during the GHI conference. We really saw how important it was to meet in person after more than a year of absence.

We look forward to following up on the discussions we had and providing you with the best solution to meet your growth needs.

We remain at your disposal for any questions you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us or to request a free demo.

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